Faucets are the jewels that make your bathroom renovation sparkle. Consider style and function when making your faucet selections.
Before choosing a bathroom faucet, think of it as the bling in your bathroom. Pick a style the suits the look you want to achieve with your bathroom remodel. Faucets add definition to any vanity or shower.

When starting to choose your faucets, you will have to think about a few key considerations like:
- Are you keeping your current sink or buying a new one
- Where are the faucet holes
- What is your budget
- What surface finish scheme are you using in your bathroom (chrome, brushed nickle, flat black etc)
- How long a faucet will take to order in
- Does your faucet size suit your bathroom
Knowing your options is half the battle when selecting the right faucet for your lifestyle. Some common options you will find with faucets are:
- Touch-less faucets
- Temperature controlled faucets
- Different surfaces (Check out hot trends hitting Halifax like polished brass, matt black, bronze and stainless)
- Multi-flow technology
- Two-in-one shower heads
- Finishes that help keep your faucet cleaner
- Freestanding faucets
- Rain heads and body jets
Keeping Your Budget In Mind
Faucets vary in price, from $40 to $500 depending on finish, technology, and style. Brushed nickel and Chrome are your least expensive, polished brass or oil-rubbed bronze are your more expensive finishes. It is always a good idea to have a budget in mind when you set out to faucet shop. When buying a faucet, always ask about warranties on the mechanics and the finishes. When purchasing your fixtures, try to obtain all of your materials from the same supplier to ensure you get the matching finishes.
See the hottest faucets to hit Halifax from popular brands like:

With every bathroom remodel, All-Craft takes the time to educate our clients on trends and styles. It is important that you have all the information before picking out materials, working with a professional renovator will help you find the right faucet supplier for your project